Glo-Warm blueflame vent free heaters and Comfort
glow blueflame heaters, the Glo-warm vent free heaters come in natural
gas and propane models.
GW30T - Natural Gas - Ivory Color
GW30T - Propane (LP) - Ivory Color
Wall mount unit, (optional floor stand base available)
Thermostat control operation
Provide easy, economical installation, with no vent or chimney required,
and a built in pressure regulator, installation is an easy job*.
(*Professional installation recommended)
Ideal for back-up or emergency heat because they require no electricity
to run.
Clean, quite, odorless operation
Easy to use top mounted controls
Push button piezo ignition, no matches required.
Safety grill and tinted glass
Low heat 15,000 BTU's
High heat 30,000 BTU's
Average length of operation on with 100 lb. propane cylinder